

Angelica Alcalá portrait

Angelica Alcalá is a Ph.D. student in the Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability program, with an emphasis on Environment and Society. Her interests include exploring how an awareness of the FEW supply chain can be applied to cross-curricular K-12 education, enhancing understanding of climate and environmental changes and their pursuant effects on society.

Darren Bingham portrait

Darren Bingham is a research assistant at Northern Arizona University (NAU) for FEWSION where his focus is on critical supply chain analysis, local food system development, and circular economies in Arizona. He received his master’s in 2021 from NAU and his bachelor's in 2017 from Utah State.

Darren Bingham portrait

Jacques Bou Abdo, Ph.D. is a FEWSION Visiting Scholar from the University of Cincinnati. His research interest spans the applications of complex systems from cyber warfare and complexity economics to supply chains and cyber-bio-security.

Mike Fell portrait

Mike Fell is an applications programmer at Northern Arizona University (NAU) in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS) and assists with FEWSION for the workflow and data portal.

Kat Fowler portrait

Kat Fowler is a second-year Ph.D. student at Northern Arizona University in the Informatics & Computing program with an emphasis on Ecological & Environmental Informatics. She is interested in quantifying vulnerability and resilience in socio-ecological systems, especially in relation to water availability.

Dr. Benjamin Ruddell portrait

Sean Koenig is a data scientist at Northern Arizona University (NAU) focusing on global supply chain modeling and using data visualization for civic engagement. He received his master’s degree from the University of California, San Diego, and his bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia.

Dr. Benjamin Ruddell portrait

Dr. Benjamin Ruddell is the Director of the FEWSION supply chain data science project and a professor in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS) at Northern Arizona University. His professional experience is in informatics, data science, systems engineering, and generally in the leadership of the interdisciplinary university enterprise.

Dr. Richard Rushforth portrait

Dr. Richard Rushforth is an assistant research professor in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems who applies novel data science techniques to environmental systems, supply chain analytics, and the analysis of urban systems. He has expertise in conducting greenhouse gas inventories and material flow analyses.

Dr. Melakeneh Gedefaw portrait

Dr. Laljeet Sangha is a post-doctoral researcher at the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems with experience in field-to-state-level irrigation water resource management and state-wide water planning. His work focuses on developing a predictive understanding of the impacts of limited water availability on irrigated operations using data science, modeling, and supply change analysis.

Eric Sjostedt portrait

Eric Sjostedt is a Ph.D. student at Northern Arizona University in Ecological and Environmental Informatics, focusing on GIS, complex systems, and big data applications to supply chains and human-nature interactions.

Kat Fowler portrait

Kendall Smith, MSc. is a senior data scientist at Northern Arizona University (NAU) with a focus on spatiotemporal modeling of the global supply chain. He received his master’s degree from Northeastern University in 2021, and his bachelor’s degree from University of Washington in 2010.

Lisa Whelan portrait

Lisa Whelan is a program director at Northern Arizona University (NAU) in the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems (SICCS). She is a licensed Project Manager Professional (PMP), received her master’s degree in 2013 from NAU and her bachelor’s in 2009 from Arizona State University.

Social Media: FEWSION on Twitter


Grants & Contracts

2016, 2018, and 2020 Community and Municipal Operations GHG Emissions Inventory for City of Phoenix in partnership with the ASU Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions.

Arizona Board of Regents Technology and Research Initiative Fund, “Supporting and Increasing Recycling Around Arizona” in partnership with the ASU Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions.

NSF/USDA ACI-1639529, INFEWS/T1: Mesoscale Data Fusion to Map and Model the U.S. Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) System

NSF 17-047 Public Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research: Capacity-building, Community-building, and Direction-setting

NSF ACI-1548562, Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE); specifically, via the "FEWSION Version 2.0 Workflow with XSEDE" allocation.

NSF CBET-2115169: “SRS RN: Transforming Rural-Urban Systems: Trajectories for Sustainability in the Intermountain West.” The Transformation Network (TN) aims to build resilient communities and ecosystems throughout the Intermountain Western United States.

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via [2021-2012040000], “The Early Supply Chain Emergency Warning System (ESChEWS)”

USDA 2017-08812, Evaluating Alternative Water Institution Performance in Snow-Dominated Basin: Are Food Productions Systems at Risk from Changing Snow Water Availability?

U.S. Geological Survey - John Wesley Powell Center for Earth System Analysis and Synthesis, Reanalyzing and Predicting U.S. Water Use using Economic History and Forecast Data; an experiment in short-range national hydro-economic data synthesis, September 30, 2019

Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, via Utah State University, “The Potential of Combining Water Banks with Virtual Water to Increase Water Availability in Utah.”